Book Review: Meet Me By the Sea by Taltal Levi
My Age Range: Birth to 6 years
This is a beautifully illustrated children's book that follows a girl who takes matters into her own hands after finding her parents are too busy to spend time with her.
The writing in this book is spare and it makes for a very quick read. It would be suitable to read to an infant all the way up to a young school-aged child. The illustrations are beautifully done and worth taking time to digest.
I found this book to be particularly interesting on a few points--first, that the girl is brave enough to spend the night by herself in the woods, and secondly, that her parents find her at her favorite place in the end. This book feels instructive to both children and parents alike. It highlights courage and initiative in children to find their own constructive entertainment. The book seems to caution parents to give proper time and attention to their children or else they may turn to other sources for comfort and entertainment. The final emotion this book evokes is one of relief and joy at finding that the girl's parents have met her at the sea--that they do, in fact, have time for her. Perhaps the girl's interpretation of her parents actions was incorrect? Perhaps her parents recognized their mistake? Either way, the end is a happy, satisfying one.
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